CTL Grants

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to present at the Teaching, Learning, and Student Success (TLSS) Conference if my mini-grant isn’t finished?

Yes. Presenting at the TLSS conference is a required part of the mini-grant award. Presenting at the conference is considered scholarly work. In addition you may use your presentation to write an article which can be published in the Curiosity Journal. If you need suggestions/help with your presentation please contact CTL.

How do I handle leftover money from the mini-grant?

Any unused money needs to be returned to CTL. Have your departmental administrator contact Amy Fletcher for assistance in returning funds.

Can I get an extension on the mini-grant final report?

Extensions are for emergencies only; otherwise, you should plan to get your report done on time. CTL needs to write an overall report and do final accounting before the end of the fiscal year, so submitting your report late puts the staff at CTL in a bad position. As well as this, any stipend for the PI in the mini-grant will be paid after the final report is submitted. However, if there is an emergency and you need a minor extension, please contact CTL as soon as possible.

I found some less/expensive software, equipment, etc. Can I use the difference in the proposal amount to buy other things related to the mini-grant?

This will need to be communicated with CTL and decided on an individual basis. Do not use funds for things outside of your stated grant proposal without contacting CTL first.

Will there be mini-grants funded next year?

Mini-grants have been funded each year as a one time funding, so there are no guarantees as to next year’s funding.

Can I request compensation for my time in my proposal and if so how much? How does compensation work if there are two investigators for the research?

A stipend of up to 1 credit of teaching for each mini-grant is available. If there are multiple Principle Investigators (PI), the credit will be divided equally between the PI.

Who is eligible for the mini-grants?

Full-time faculty, staff, instructors, etc. Are eligible. Part time employees may participate but due to legal pay issues, pay cannot exceed 9 credits of total pay.  So a part-time instructor would be eligible for compensation as long as they are not capped out already.  We suggest that part-time employees check with HR.  However, the grant can be submitted with no compensation requests.

Who decides who receives the mini-grants?

The Teaching and Learning Committee, and in some years, a specially assigned Mini Grant Committee, decides as a group which grants will be funded and communicates that to CTL. To get in contact with the committee for the current funding cycle, please contact Amy Fletcher.

Do I need Institutional Review Board approval (IRB) to work with human subjects and receive a mini-grant?

Yes. IRB approval must be done before submitting a proposal if you intend on involving human subjects in your research. To fill out the appropriate IRB forms and training, visit https://academics.utahtech.edu/irb/.

How many Principal Investigators (PI) can be on a mini-grant? Can one of them not be from DSU?

PI’s must be from Dixie State University, and you may have up to 2 per grant.

What timeline does the grant need to work by?

You will outline a timeline for your work in your proposal form; this is the timeline that will need to be followed for your minigrant.

How do I apply for a mini-grant?

You will need to apply using the current funding cycle’s form, which can be found under Documents.

What kind of mini-grants have been successfully funded in the past?

Previous mini-grant awardees can be found in the Award Gallery, along with a description of their respective projects.

How itemized does the proposed budget need to be?

All proposed purchases and personnel need to be accounted for with description and dollar amount in a budget justification of the solicitation form.

Can my proposed project use mini-grant money and other money from another resource?

No, you cannot use funds from another funding source for your minigrant.

Can I apply for the CTL mini-grant and the URS grant for the same project?

You cannot apply to both grants for the same project. If it is discovered that you applied for the same grant, it is likely that neither will be funded.

What kind of student researcher activities can be funded using the mini-grant?

Student researchers must be participating in the research to qualify. Activities such as transcribing audio recordings, translation services, or other similar types of labor are not valid student researcher activities.